Support Us

In 2016 Whale Sharks are declared by IUCN as ENDANGERED!!!

You can make a difference!

YOU can make a difference because we can't do this alone. 

We need YOUR help to protect the world's largest gentle giants from extinction!


Join us in safeguarding the gentle giants of the ocean! By donating to the Galapagos Whale Shark Project, you're directly supporting vital research and conservation initiatives. Your contribution helps us track migration patterns, study reproduction in whale sharks, and promote marine conservation through community education. Together, we can ensure the future of these magnificent creatures and the ecosystems they inhabit. Make a difference today—your support is crucial to our ongoing efforts to protect and study whale sharks.


Other ways to support

Photo Identification


YOU can help us with your photos! 


Have you been on a dive trip and took photos of whale sharks?


Please let us know and send the photos to


For more information click HERE.


Join Shark Conservation

Dive Trip

If you join the Galapagos Shark Conservation Dive Trip you support the research project in many ways. We receive a donation and with your help we collect important data of whale sharks and other species what helps to create marine protection. 


If you would like more information about the dive trips click HERE.

Raise awareness


Talk, share and stay informed about the Galapagos Whale Shark Project!


Help us by sharing our work with your friends, family and colleagues!


Connect with us

Stay informed? Sign up HERE!

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