Darwin Arch is located to the south of Darwin Island at in the very north of the Galapagos Archipelago.
Darwin Island is where over 90% of all whale shark sightings are.
The Galapagos platform rises from over 3.500m from the ocean floor.
Darwin Island and the Arch are the remains of a vast, now extinct volcano.
Although Darwin’s first impressions were anything but favourable, he soon revised his opinion, writing: "The natural history of these islands is eminently curious and well deserves attention… both in space and time, we seem to be brought somewhat near to that great fact – the first appearance of new beings on this Earth."
It was following the visit of Charles Darwin, the young English naturalist aboard the Admiralty ship H.M.S Beagle in late 1835, that the islands gained a reputation as a "living laboratory of evolution", a Garden of Eden for naturalists and scientists alike.
Nevertheless, little of this is apparent as modern day travellers step off the airplane in the Galapagos, and most are struck by the barrenness of their surroundings. These ideas are soon dispelled as one begins to explore the surrounding area, however and it rapidly becomes evident that there is more to the Galapagos than initially meets the eye.
HERE you will find detailed information about Galapagos! Enjoy!
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